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The Carlsbad Planning Commission has rejected the proposed digital signs twice in the past year, calling them ugly and worrying they might cause crashes by distracting drivers. He said Car Country Carlsbad, which must get an additional approval from the Coastal Commission next year, would probably add its sign in late 2014 or early 2015. The large signs won’t be allowed anywhere else.Ĭity Planner Chris DeCerbo said last week he expected Westfield to erect a digital sign sometime next spring or summer. The city has previously banned such signs, which feature static digital images that rotate every few seconds, based on concerns they would cheapen the city’s image and distract drivers.īut the City Council recently amended Carlsbad’s sign ordinance to allow electronic signs at the largest two producers of local sales tax revenue, which covers a quarter of the city’s expenses. We need a boost to our economy! This is good in my opinion! What do you think readers? Leave your comments! ThanksĬARLSBAD - Carlsbad has lifted its ban on electronic freeway signs to allow Car Country Carlsbad and Westfield Carlsbad to draw more attention to themselves. I think this is good! I don’t believe it will cheapen Carlsbad. Large electronic freeway signs will now be allowed for Car Country Carlsbad and Westfield Carlsbad.

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